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  • Writer's pictureKen Pham

On Brand, Belief, and Stories (Part 2)

The core element of brand.

I naively believe that brand is indispensable with stories.

All of those ads, campaigns, or anything you unconsciously or consciously exposed to about Apple, or any products whatsoever, are stories. And stories can touch soul.

Stories can heal. Stories can motivate. Stories are religion.

Stories have been shaping the way we think, the way we grow, the way we believe about the world around us, the way we have been created, since the very beginning. What was the 1st type of communication of Sapiens? It's rumor, according to Yuval Noah Harari, in his famous "Sapiens" book. And rumor, is simple stories.

Take this blog for instance. You can read posts I wrote throughout this page. Each of every piece of writing you read from me, you'll form an understanding of what I am writing about, what I am interested in, what I am good or bad at. In order words, you'll form an understanding of, who I am. And this work of continuously producing content, as a mean of communication between me and you, is called Personal Brand.

However, to have a brand like Apple, or Nike, telling great stories are not enough. What also stands out of the competitors of Apple, Nike, or any other great brands, is their product. If our product is a crap, what we can do best is just getting the people at the door. Maybe they'll buy the product, but they will not return. Why I should buy a shitty product, again? Therefore, to make people love our brand, we have to make them love our product first. And, what is needed, to make a product good?

It's you and me.

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado from Unplash

Simple enough, we are the one who directly craft the product. Hence, it is our responsibilities and capabilities to make the people using our product feel good, and be able to get their job done.

And, again, human are made of stories. Those stories form a belief inside of our mind.

  • "I believe life is about giving out love". This guy will try to do so in their product.

  • "I believe life is about conquering challenge". She will also bring that attitude in the work of making the product.

Stories form belief. Belief represent the people making products. Belief fuels brand & product love.

That's it for the series. Thanks for reading. Peace out!


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